Wednesday 30 March 2016


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 12/13


I woke up this morning with a very strong burden in my heart to pray for Nigeria. You will agree with me considering all that is happening in the nation that there is need for divine intervention. It has never been this worst and we need to cry to God for help. I will encourage my friends from other countries to please join us in praying for this nation too. We are going to be praying together; please for just a moment, leave whatever you are doing and let us pray. Preferably you can get a partner and if you are a CEO, your staff could join you. We are going to pray with the whole of our heart three simple prayers:
1. We are helpless as a Nation, and men has failed us, God we turn to you today, help us we pray Thee.
2. Every enemy of Nigeria, receive the judgment of God today, irrespective of your age or status.
3. Lastly, we will pray a two in one pray; O God of creation, remove by your power every individuals with old or death brains in the affair of Government at all levels (local, state and federal). God, in your infinity mercy raise for us selfless leaders in Nigeria. (Amen)

It’s well with Nigeria and all that seek her good shall prosper. You can write out those prayer points; pray with your family and it could also be raise at our various place of worship. God bless you as you do so and God blessed Nigeria.
I want to encourage us to keep hope alive, Nigeria will survive and our dear nation will be great. Always think of what you can contribute to the nation, let each of us, Government, Capitalist and every citizen talk less (we talk too much this days) and take some action steps that will move Nigeria forward. Remember, in Nation Building, everybody is import and has a role to play, including a child. Start playing your role today; read my post on “Values That Transform Nations” to find out how.

This week, we will be looking at the last P of Success under this series. I’ve have received load of mails and words of appreciation from different part of the world on the Five Ps of Success for the first four Ps that had been shared. And it a great joy for that my blog is inspiring people from time to time to accomplish their dream(s) and be more successful, because that’s the purpose for which it was created. The Fifth P of Success is “People Skills.”

PEOPLE SKILLs- the Fifth P of Success

Developing people’s skill is vital to achieving success in anything. You will never be able to rise above what the level of your people’s skill will allow. John Maxwell, leadership expert and author rightly observed, “If you have not learned to get along with people, you will always be fighting a battle to succeed.” When you develop people skills, it will take you further by far than any other skills you develop. I’m yet to see any self made individual and just as Melinda Gate once stated, “If you are successful, it is because someone gave you a life or an idea that started you off in the right direction.” We will always need the help of people at one point or the other to move further in life. This is why you need to learn to build healthy relationship with people.

A certain organization was conducting an election for the appointment of a new president sometimes ago. Two of the management staff who were the main contestants for the position were having a tie after the vote had been counted. This created a need for one of the drivers to cast the ‘golden vote’ and at that point everyone believe one of the contestants, a woman very strict and principled will loose out. But to the amazement of all, the driver ca
stes the golden vote for her. What happen is this; unknown to them, she has been showing noting but kindness to the driver. Each time he drive her around, she will insist on stopping by at the driver house and give money and gifts to his wife and children, which always help the low salary earner to maintain his family and the driver had always look forward for an opportunity to repay her kindness. The woman never at any point imagine it that the driver (small rat) could ever help her (big lion) one day. There is no limit to how far developing people skills can take you.

Always remember, it will always be difficult to get a head in life, if you can’t get alone with people. You can’t do it alone, you need people and they will not just come to you, you will have to attract them. There are several people skills that one can develop, but I will only share with us five fundamental ones. Develop them and you will always enjoy the help of others.

5 Very Important People Skills You Must Develop To Succeed

1. Leadership Skill : leaders do not just show the way but go the way. You often hear a leader says “Let us go, do…” not “You go, do…” This qualities or personal involvement/comment to things will not only attract people to them, but also multiply them. Develop your leadership skill and you will be a people person. You can read my post on “How To Become An Exceptional Leader.” to learn more.

2. Strong Communication Skill : this is very important as it is the life of every relationship. Ensure you get in touch with people that matters to you at least once in a week. You don’t call people only when you need them, or you will be driving them a way from you. And please learn to say the truth at all cost. Relationship built on lie is like a house built on sand, it will not last. It is also important to note that, you can never be a good communicator if you don’t know how to listen. To be a good listen and get along with people, you need to hear; what people say and want you to hear (verbal communication), what they say and do not want you to hear (semi verbal) and what they didn’t say but want you to hear (non verbal).

3. Ability to Appreciate Others : you don’t just appreciate people when they do you a favour, but also when they did something impressive, achieve something or even looks good. Everyone wants to be appreciated; we all naturally move closer to those who appreciate us. Appreciate others and they will not only love you but will be willing to help you to a fault. Mary Kay wisely stated, “Everyone want to feel appreciated, so if you appreciate someone or something, don’t keep it a secret.”

4. Knowing How to Forgive : people will always hurt and offend you, because they are limited, not perfect and human. You need to learn to forgive at all time. No matter how hurt you might be feeling, trust me it pays to forgive. Like my people do say, “The one, who did what pain you today, might do that which will pay you tomorrow.” Give people not just second chance, but third, fourth or maybe tenth… forgiveness is important to get along with people.

5. Living by the Golden Rule : there are several people skills one need to develop, but if you can successfully live by the "golden rule", you are as good as developing almost all the other skills. The "golden rule" is simply doing unto others what you want them to do to you or in other words, treat others the way you love to be treated. Don’t give what you can not take. You love to be respected, respect others. You want people to be honest with you, be honest. You like to see people support you, genuinely support others. Be to others all you want them to be to you. If we could all live by the “golden rule” imagine how wonderful our world would be. When we practice the golden rule, we will value and support other, we will offer genius help and be honest in all our dealings. The best way to be a people person is live by the “golden rule.”

Do all you can to get along with people and away remember you will never be able to go far if you are alone.
It is your season of divine turn around, stay focus and be positive.


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Sunday 13 March 2016


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 11


*An uncle of R. U. Darby was caught by the “gold fever” in the gold-rush days, and went west to dig and grow rich. He had never heard that more gold has been mined from the thoughts of men than has ever been taken from the earth. He staked a claim and went to work with pick and shovel.
After weeks of labour, he was rewarded by the discovery of the shining ore. He needed machinery to bring the ore to surface. Quietly, he covered up the mine, retraced his footsteps to his home in Williamsburg, Maryland, told his relatives and a few neighbours of the “strike.” They got together money for the needed machinery, and had it shipped. The uncle and Darby went back to work the mine.

The first car of ore was mined and shipped to a smelter. The returns proved they had one of the richest mines in Colorado! A few more cars of that ore would clear the debts. Then would come the big killing in profits.
Down went the drills! Up went the hopes of Darby and Uncle! Then something happened. The vein of the gold ore disappeared! They had come to the end of the rainbow, and the pot of gold was no longer there. They drilled on, desperately trying to pick up the vein again—all to no avail.
Finally, they decided to quit.

They sold the machinery to a junk man for a few hundred dollars, and took the train back home. The junk man called in a mining engineer to look at the mine and do a little calculating. The engineer advised that the project had failed because the owners were not familiar with “fault lines.” His calculations showed that the vein would be found just three feet from where the Darbys had stopped drilling! That is exactly where it was found! The junk man took millions of dollars in ore from the mine.

If you were one of the Darbys, what would you have done, haven discovered you stopped just three feet from the gold? How many projects have you abandon because you encountered some challenges. How many times have you given up on something or are you at the verge of giving up right now; think again, you might just be three feet away from your ‘gold’. There is nothing that is impossible for you to achieve, if you can learn not to ever give up. Everyone who had ever achieved any thing great or become successful in life, from Henry Ford to Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, Jim Carrey, Colonel Sander, Oprah Winfrey, Abraham Lincoln, Wole Soyinka, Albert Einstein and host of others do so because they never gave up. This will be leading us to the next P of success – PERSISTENCE.

Persistence – The Fourth P of Success

Ordinary men can achieve extra-ordinary things if they can be persistent in their quest(s). Just as Buddha said, “In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins—not of strength, but through persistence. Persistence is very vital in achieving success in any thing. You will always found some challenges and failure on your way to accomplishing your dream(s). The only way you can stop those challenges from stopping you is by not giving up, no matter what. Because, Your problem quits, when you refuse to quit.
It is very natural to think of quitting when at some difficult situations, but you need to learn to hang on, if you want to succeed or accomplish anything in life. Let me give you some tips that will help you to be more persistence in any thing.

Helpful Tips

1. Know What You Want : you will never be able to be persistence if you are indecisive; you are into something today and tomorrow another thing entirely. So the first step to persistence is having a definite purpose. Decide at once what you really want and go all out for it.

2. Develop a Strong Desire to Succeed : Strong desire forces one to surmount many difficulties. Whatever you wish to accomplish, develop a strong desire for success in it. The more badly you want it, the more difficult it becomes for you to give up on it.

3. Belief in Yourself : Abraham Lincoln wisely stated, “That someone achieve great thing is a proof to all that others can achieve it as well.” If others can, you can; believe in yourself. We give up so easily most time because we lost faith in ourselves. Reassure yourself over and over again that you can do it and you will.

4. Be Discipline : Discipline, said Jim Rohn “is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.” If discipline is lacking in your quest for success, sooner or later your dream(s) will get stock in the “someday” Island and finally you give up. Do what you have to do at the right time, convenient or not. You can never be persistence without discipline.

5. Acquire the Right Knowledge : Very few thing will make a man quit so easily like ignorance. You will always struggle to be persistence if you are doing a guess work. Get accurate knowledge on what you are doing, and you will not only find it easier to do, but also difficult to give up on it.

6. Look for Men of Like Passion : I’m surrounded by amazing set of people who are focus and goal oriented. Their life has been a motivation to me; the passion with which they go about their dream always inspire me not to give up on anything. A wise man once said, “If you want to go fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, go in two. The right associate promotes persistence; you need to find one.

7. Try to Move Some Hills Before the Mountains : Your persistence power can be increased, and results are a very strong motivation for that to happen. Start with small goals, face the challenges and accomplish them. Accomplishing them sends a positive signal to your subconscious mind, which will help increase your will power. So when you are face with bigger challenges in your pursuit of greater goals, you will most likely not give up.

If you try something and it fails or seem as if it not working, try again, again and again, keep doing it, don’t stop trying until it is working. Show me a man that is not persistence in his ways and I will show you a man that can not be successful in anything. Never give up, hang on, you might be only three feet away from your “gold.”


Please share and inspire others. Thanks.
You can follow me on twitter @olusegunsamsong and
Facebook @olusegunsamsongbemileke.

*The story on R. U. Darby was extracted from the book, “Think And Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill; pg. 4.

Thursday 3 March 2016


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 9


This week, we will be looking at another vital P of success; when you have this P, you become unstoppable, not even the threat of death will be strong enough to put you off your dream(s). You want to know what it is. Not to worry, we will get to that shortly. Before then, let me point out clearly that,

the longest route to success is short cuts. This is so because there are no true short cuts to success. Real success don’t come cheaply; the greater the success the greater the price to be paid. So many people have been infected this days with what I call the, “makes it quick and anyhow” fever. They want to make it now; they don’t care how it will happen or what it will cause them, in extreme cases they are even ready to kill. At initial stage of this infection it will look as if all is well and then get worst with time. This fever has destroyed many visions and claims the life of thousands. Beware! Mark my words, success that is achieved in an hurry will go in an hurry, because you will lack the power to maintain it. The power to maintain success are gotten from the experience that come with following the necessary process and paying the due price. B. C. Forbes, the founder of Forbes magazine wisely stated, “A price has to be paid for success. Almost invariably those who have reach the summits worked harder and longer, studied and planned more assiduously, practiced more self-denial, overcome more difficulties than those of us who have not risen so far.”

The Rabbit one day met the Snail on the road and ridiculously asked the slow animal, “are you sure you can get to your destination with this way you are working?” The snail smile and reply, “ If only you know where I was coming from, you will not be asking if I can get to where I’m going.” You might not be where you want to be. But the truth is, you are not where you use to be. Never seek a short cut, follow due process ( plan, work diligently, be discipline, study hard, go for training, learn leadership, build healthy relationships, and so on); if you can come this far, you will get there. Don’t be intimidated by the success of your peers, but rather let them inspire you to succeed too. They might be saying all sort of things about you now, don’t worry they will all celebrate you when you succeed. I strongly believe you will.
Personally I’m still far from where I’m going, but taking short cuts is never going to be an option. It a question of time I will get there; a time is coming, not far from now that it will be difficult for even a governor to be able to secure my attention. You will achieve your dreams too, you will attain that height you envisions, it might seems far away, you will get there; be patient, consistent and never, never seek short cuts. Remember, there are no short cuts to any place worth going. The next P of Success we will be looking at is, ‘PASSION.’

PASSION – The Third P of Success

The road to success is lined with many, obstacles, discouragement, failure and other challenges, but if you have passion all those will not be able to stop you. This is why passion is a vital ‘P’ of success. No matter how great the obstacles may be, your passion will keep you going. Determination without passion always leads to frustration. Almost nothing great has ever been accomplished without passion. After several failed attempt, it is only passion for success that must have kept Thomas Edison going. Think of Nelson Mandela; he was so passionate about his fight against Apartheid in South Africa that he was willing to die for it. Little wonder why he succeeded at it. He once publicly said, “I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and achieve. But if need be, it is a ideal for which I am prepared to die.” Show me a successful man and I will show you a man full of passion for a definite course. Passion is very important, whatever you want to achieve in life be passionate about it, as it will give you the energy that will keep you going.

John C. Maxwell, leadership expert once said, “Passion is the fuel for will—If you want something badly enough, you will find the will power to achieve it and you won’t stop trying until you do,” Let me give you some tips that would help you develop your passion.

Helpful Tips

- Act it Out: Just like Jean-Paul Sartre said, “We must act out passion before we can feel it.” Put in more energy into whatever you are doing than is required, put your mind, body and soul into it and you will feel the passion. There is no limit to how passionate we could become about achieving our dream, but we need to put in deliberate efforts.

- Look for Men of Like Passion: Passion is contagious; one of the ways to develop your passion for what you do is to associate yourself with people of great passion. If you have ever watch football match live at the stadium, you will understand how contagious passion could be; even if you don’t too like football, the passion of others will help you develop one for it too. Look for those who are very passion about what they do; your association with them will help you develop your passion.

- Dare Great Things: Nelson Mandela wisely observed, “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” You can never develop your passion if you choose to settle for an average life. The greater things you want to achieve, the more challenges you have to face and the more passionate you become. Passion flows naturally when you pursuing a great course.

- Focus on the Fulfillment Accomplishing your Dreams will Bring: When your focus is on the crown, you will be passionate about going to the cross. Think of the lives that will be impacted and the glory that lies ahead of you and you will cheerfully face whatever challenges that may come the way of fulfilling your dream. Your passion will grow greatly, if you can shift focus for ‘now’ to the ‘after now.’

I will like you to meditate on the statement of Steve Job, the Apple’s boss as I conclude, “You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you’re not passionate enough from the start, you’ll never stick it out?”
Grow your passion and your obstacles will become invisible and you, unstoppable.


Don’t be selfish, please cheerfully share this post with as many as possible. If you want me to come speak at your next conference or seminar, you can reach me on; +2348130651822 or +2347054030703. Or better still send an email to;