Thursday 25 February 2016


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 8


This is not a funny period for most Nigerians and the masses are complaining bitterly. So I will like to address some National issues before we go into the Second ‘P’ of Success. Please, Mr. Raji Fashola, SAN, the honourable Minister of Power, can you explain to Nigerians the common sense in increasing electricity tariff without improving power supply; the light/power supply has worsen and at times we don’t even see it for days. Electricity Distribution Companies, it is a simple business sense that, ‘money answers to values;’ if you give us a more stable power supply we will gladly pay our bills not minding the increment in tariff.

Mr. President, we didn’t know that your promise of making N1 to equal $1 was ironical! This continuous fall of naira needs urgent and serious attention. Because it is making life difficult for so many Nigerians; even the fermented locus beans seller in the market will tell you that dollar is high, as this is becoming their anthem in the market place. I want to appeal to the government to call an emergency meeting of financial and economy gurus and let them come up with a sustainable solution to our economy challenges. Let’s work on how exchange rate will move to N50 per $1 by 2017. This is very possible if the government will come up with and implement the right policies, with a corresponding cooperation of all Nigerians.

The effort of this present administration to fight corruption is very laudable and a sign of a better Nigeria. But PMB, I would like to draw your attention to the old saying, ‘charity begins at home.’ To build more credibility in your fight again corruption, Senator Bukola Saraki needs to face the law as touching all those charges against me. Let EFCC probe Mr. Rotimi Amechi on the corrupt allegations against him by the people and government of his state and let all the corrupt individuals in the APC be invited too. Because one question Nigerians are asking is, ‘are all APC members corruption free?’ if no, let us see them be investigated too and those guilty brought to face the law.

Finally, before going into the Second P of Success, there is one deadly virus that is impeding the growth of our nation in all areas; from power failure to poor economy, bad infrastructure, unmotorable roads, falling educational standard, unsustainable development, name it. And the most painful thing is that most Nigerians are infected by the virus. Therefore, it becomes paramount for us to kill this virus and stop its further spread, if we want to move forward as a nation. This deadly virus I’m referring to is ‘Greediness.’ With no reserve apology, some greedy individuals are behind the slackness in the 2016 budget. Most manufacturers and business owners out of greediness produce and offer poor quality products and place high price on them. Politicians out of greediness, neglect their duty of serving people to seek dubious mean of making themselves and their children richer. Even some religious leaders has device various means of exploiting their member; greediness! People will be awarded contract and out of greediness will offer very poor services, so as to making more money. The fact is, greediness is become an epidemic in our society and we need to stop it. Let each and everyone of us be concern about our nation’s development and put the interest of others at heart in whatsoever we are doing or want to do; you don’t have to exploit people to be rich. If we can all go for the vaccine for this virus which is ‘Selflessness,’ our nation will rule the world. Nigeria has the potential to be the largest economy nation in the world, but we all need to come together and kick greediness out of our society. Let it be written everywhere; government house, churches, mosques, schools, offices, car stickers and every other place it could be seen, “SAY NO TO GREEDINESS” or “I HATE GREEDINESS,” and let’s teach our children to be selfless. Please let’s all take this to heart, ‘greatness is not about how much wealth you are able to accumulates for yourself, but rather your positive contribution to humanity and the legacy you lays.’

The next P of success we will be looking at this week is ‘PLANNING.” Every individual or organization that want to succeed need to have something on paper on what they want to accomplish per time; this is refer to as planning. Our plans direct our daily routine and the secret of every successful people is in their plans. The reason why many don't have plans for their life is because they are yet to discover their purpose; this is why Purpose is the first P of success. It’s when you know where you are going (purpose) that you begins to work on how you will get there (planning). So, behind every solid plan is a solid vision that is birth out of purpose. When you have plans, success becomes so cheap. Planning give you a sense of direction in life and it is difficult to make appreciable progress without it. Ask people who have ever achieved something remarkable in life and they will tell how long they’ve be planning for it. What’s your own plan and are you committed to it? Personally, I’ve benefited greatly from the power of planning, and it’s another thing every successful people have in common. Presently I have on paper 50years plan for my life, which makes me unstoppable. Why? Because our plan set us on motion and speed us to our destination. You can accomplish any thing in life if you can use well this second P of Success.

There are people who has plans but they fail. Some organizations and governments are even faced with the challenge of implementing their plans. So, let’s look briefly at some key steps to successful planning. Before then, let me state clearly that, ’when you lack the ability to plan ahead, you will find yourself preoccupied with immediate issues and loose sight of your purpose or ultimate goals.’ This is why most managers fail to achieved their organization objectives and most individuals their dreams. Planning help you stay focus and ultimately achieving your aim(s).

Key Steps to Successful Planning

1. Clear Goal(s): If you miss this first step, you can not get the other steps correctly. Your goal needs to be quantifiable, consistent, realistic and achievable. The goal should be specific with an ultimate time-based; for example to achieve sales of $4m in three years.

2. The Programs: This is the systematic layout of steps and actions that will lead to the actualization of the set goal(s). It should cover resources, objectives, time-scales, deadlines, budget, and performance target. Basically, the programs set out the implementation plan.

3. Implementation: Almost everybody is good at making plans but very few implement their plans. What usually happened is this; we come up with brilliant plans put them down, go to our place of work/office, we get overwhelmed with daily details. Soon it’s ‘business as usual,’ the plans sit on the shelf or table and before we know it, another year has passed. This need not happen. For successful implementation of your plans the following keys are non-negotiable;
- Ardent Commitment: you need to commit your time, resources, energy and intellect to it. Do some researches, attend seminars and workshop related to what you are working on and you could equally get some materials to read; by so doing you are putting into it, your intellectual commitment.
- Credibility: Your plan needs to be well documented and legacy oriented. Adherence to the complete process is non-negotiable and if you have a team that is working with you on the implementation of the plan, ensure there is a representative participation. If you do all this, you will not only create credibility for your plans, you will be sustaining it as well.
- Effective Communication: you need to ensure each person involved in the implementation of the plans can understand and hear you clearly; assumption can be very dangerous. Emphases and repeat key words and be passionate about the plan.
Ensure your personal commitment is 100%, no matter how good your team is, if you want a successful implementation of your plans. Don’t forget to review your plan from time to time and make appropriate adjustment.

I see you accomplishing those beautiful goals as you stay committed.

#keeps succeeding…

Please share and inspire others.

Thursday 18 February 2016


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 7


Anybody can achieve success in anything, if the principle that guarantee success in such a thing are identified and followed. This is so because, principle are not respecter of any man. I was speaking to a group of teenagers some months back on success and I asked them, ‘if a beggar should jump from a five storey building, what will happen?’ They all echoed, ‘He will died or breaks his leg with several injury on his body.’ I responded ‘OK’ and asked further, what if a king jumps from that same storey building? ‘He will die or breaks his leg too.’ They all shouted. I paused for a while, silence was in the class and they all gaze at me with curiosity boldly written on their faces. Then I said to them, you believe their experience will be similar because they will be breaking the same principle (law of gravity). Which mean principles are not respecter of person. In a solemn manner I ask these young chaps, why then did you believe the lies that your background will affect your success in life and success is met for some selected few? If anybody can, you can; you only need to follow principles. To bring about a paradigm shift in them, I added, success is met for all; everyone you see that is successful today employ some set of principles. If you follow those same principles, it will produce for you the same result they got from it irrespective of your background or current state just as that principle of gravity affect the beggar and the king equally.

The principles of success are not hidden and yet few are they that are achieving success. This is so because many are not willing to follow the principles of success, most people just sit down and hope for a wonder to happen someday. If you want to be successful in anything, you don’t wait to see or watch thing happen; you make things happen. The five Ps of success will help you make things happen. These five Ps are universal and can be found common among every successful individual. The Five Ps of Success is going to take us five weeks to cover as we will be looking at one P per week. Make sure you don’t miss any of the series. This week I will be sharing with us the first P, ‘Purpose.’

PURPOSE - The First P of Success

When you lack purpose for a course or generally for life, you are like a man digging the ground, who when asked why he is digging the ground, sweating and breathing hard responded, ‘Nothing, I only want to be hard working.’ You will say, the man must be foolish or mad? If that is true, it means we have so many mad people with nice clothes roaming about our streets, they have no definite purpose they are pursuing in life; just busy for nothing. Going about life without purpose is a complete madness. Nothing is as frustrating as to be on the go without a goal. It is not how hard working you are that will makes you to be successful, but your pursuit of a definite purpose. Purpose is the strongest motivation for success; when you know and understand why something needs to be done, you don't need external motivation to get it done. CEOs and Business Owners, please note, it is very important you ensure your staff understand fully the purpose of you organization/establishment, as this will enhance productivity; when they understand ‘why’, it becomes easier for them to understand the ‘how.’ As no one who box the air will be champion, only those who are purpose driving will achieve success in their endeavour.

Seneca wisely observed, “To the person who does not know where he wants to go, there is no favourable wind.” It is difficult for someone without purpose in life to see an opportunity even if it’s right in front of him, because our purpose influences our vision.
Four persons pass by a mountain; a businessman, a mountaineer, a pastor and a simple man. The Businessman looks at it and saw a recreation center, an opportunity to build a financial fortune for himself. The Mountaineer saw an opportunity to make history by been the first person to climb it. The Pastor saw a praying ground. And the simple man saw nothing but a big mountain and move on. Life has lot of opportunities to offer but you will never be able to see them until you discover your purpose.

Take note, it is never too late for you to discover your purpose and do what you are here (on earth) to do, so never give up on yourself until you loose your last breath and have no more life in you. However, it is of the very best to discover your purpose on time; timely discovery is vital for striking accomplishment in life. Let me share with you three tips that will help you in purpose discovery.

- Develop Your Mental Capacity: Research has proved that we can never be better that the way we think. The good new is, we can control the way we think by engaging in things that will help channel our thought toward what we want. Two things influence the way we think; what we see and what we hear. This is why you must be careful of what you expose your eyes and ears to.
To develop your mental capacity you need to read wide, not just any book, but such that will inspires and educate you. The more you read, the more better you become, you get more brilliant ideas and develop your potentials. Books are a very good aid for purpose discovery, because they help activate some great things in your inside. After reading a good book, you will find yourself thinking better and wanting to achieve something great. The reason why some are yet to discover their purpose is ignorance; ignorance put one in darkness, that you hardly see anything. But when you go for knowledge, it’s like a man in darkness who reaches his hand to a touch and switch on the light, and can now see everything clearly.
If you want to discover your purpose, go for knowledge; read that book, attend that conference/training workshop, listen to that audio book/teaching, and do all you can to be well informed.

- Look for your work: We are all here (on earth) on assignment, which is met to finish only when we died. This assignment is your work and you need to find it. You need to ask yourself, what am I willing to do even if I’m not going to get paid for it and be so passionate about that only death could stop me from doing it? When you find it, you find your work. Your work is not for you self gain, but a contribution to humanity. We are all here to make our contribution, not to be a burden to others.
Our world is full of so many problem because most of us that have been destined to solve those problem are not doing our work, some are even yet to discover it. In between what you have passion for and what you hate the most to see happen to people or around you, lies the problem you are born to solve (your work). There are several problems in the society, which of them are you concern about the most, you hate to see it and wish you could do something about it? That could be a point to your work.
If all you seek is just a better life for yourself, it will be very difficult for you to find your work. But the more you think of how you could be of impact to your world and make life easier for others, the easier it become for you to find your work. Remember, when you find your work, you have discovered your purpose.

- Consult the Manufacturer: This is the most important step you need to take to discover your purpose, because no one knows a product better than the manufacturer. We are the product and God is the manufacturer, and He had a purpose in mind while creating each of us. So to get the most out of your life, you need to connect with God. Pray to God to open your eye and mind to His purpose for your life; He will surely answer you.

#keeps succeeding…

Thanks for reading, I believe you have been inspired. Share to inspire others. Watch out for the next P of success. We love to hear from you and you could equally invite Olusegun Samson G. to come speak at your next conference/seminar. Call: +2348130651822 or +2347054030703, you could as well send an email to; or

Wednesday 10 February 2016


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.


Values That Transform Nations II

Your values are the things that you believe are important in the way you live and work. They determine your priorities and define who you are. The way we react to things and our approach to live is influence by our value system. The values that transform nations, when embrace will not only make our nation better, it will equally help you to achieve outstanding success in your personal endeavours. Do go over the last publication again and set out plan on how you will develop those values that has been highlighted add to those we will be looking at shortly for personal effectiveness. Our nation is where it is today because most of us are less concern about her development and I want us to have a change of attitude. Don’t give up on the nation; show some concern, believe in things getting better, stay away from things that will pull her down. When you seek the good of your nation, you seek your own betterment, as well as that of your children and generation yet to come.

One question that’s in the heart of many all over the world is, ‘why is the poverty level of a blessed nation like Nigeria so high?’ Answers such as poor leadership, greediness of politicians, illiteracy, among others quickly come to mind on pondering on that question. It is time we all come together, putting aside our ethnic background and sing just one song; ‘Transformation’. Most of the fools that are in the affairs of government today who are ‘brain death’ and seek mainly things that appeal only to there selfish interest, will put themselves to order or even resign, if the masses will stop folding there arms and boldly challenge them. The power still belong to the people; president, governors and all other public office holder are not your lord, but are there to serve you, if they are not serving you well, fire them. I heard a governor speak few days ago and I shook my head, because he could only talk that way because people in this part of the world has not come to the consciousness of their power. Don’t be intimidated by any politician, fight for what is right and advocate for National Transformation. Now let’s quickly look at some more values and round it off for this week.

Values We Need To Embrace For National Transformation.

1. ORDERLINESS: If our life and our nation must be better, the need for order and symmetry is very essential. Edmund Burke wisely stated, “Good order is the foundation of all great things”. Disaster is not always far from where there is disorderliness. Most of those traffic and even accident on some of our roads could be averted if car owners would display orderliness. In whatsoever we do let’s ensure orderliness is in place for outstanding success to be recorded. Always remember that everything has a place and time. The truth is nothing,(including national transformation, family development, wealth creation etc) is practically achievable where there is no order.

2. SELFLESSNESS: The shortness route to greatness is selflessness. On till you think of what you can do for others, you might not be able to do anything for yourself. The corrosion of the value, ‘selflessness’ among political leaders and government officials have deteriorate our economy to a very large extent. If we will all embrace selflessness and seek the best for other, not just ourselves, this nation will be a paradise. Go and check the history, those who were truly great in life was those who were sold out to seek better life for others. Selflessness is a very important value that must be embrace by all for national transformation.

3. INTEGRITY: Many of us do what is right only when we are watched; who we are when no one is watching will tell if we have integrity or not. People with integrity only do what is right, not what is convenient. If our nation wishes to command more respect among other nations of the world, then we must all (both government and the people) develop the value of integrity. We all need to choose our thought and actions based on values rather than personal gain. Integrity is essential for both achieving one’s desired success in life and transforming the nation.

4. LOVE: this is a season of love and the best time to talk about love. Love is a relative term and means different thing to different people as it has several school of thought. Love is not just a feeling as generally believe by most people, it is a choice: you can love the person you hate the most in life, if you choose to do so. In other word, anyone can be loveable, it all depend on what you want. If you have ever been in a long relationship before, or you are married, you will agree with me that those feelings don’t last; after you have been together for awhile, seen each others weakness, and those things that use to be appealing no long do. The only thing that will keep the relationship going is your choice to love your partner or spouse. Several times I hear young people confess,” I don’t seem to love him/her any more”. What they are saying is that they no longer have feelings for that person. Feeling is never enough, so you need to choose to love your partner at all time. Our focus today is not on relationship, I will talk more on that when we are treating relationship, let’s go back to our subject, Values that Transform Nations. For us to live together as one, love need to dwell among us; progress is always retarded where there is no oneness. Let’s love one another, and be very passionate about our nation. It is very difficult to hurt intentionally someone you love. Those in the affair of government should show love for the people by offering selfless services and declining from doing things that will affect the masses negatively. Let the people equally show love for the government by been cooperative and praying constantly for them.

By a way of conclusion, let me point out clearly that, no matter the political manipulation, foreign influence etc, Nigeria will experience transformation; I can see it coming. If you think it is not going to be possible, please stay out of the way of those who believe it and are ready to commit themselves to see it happen. Nigeria is a great country by destiny; it’s only a question of time she will get to the fullness of her potential. so when you wake up in the morning ask yourself ,”what can I do to make my country better?” and when you want to go to bed ask; what have I contributed today to the building of my nation?
Nigeria will survive, Africa will be great!

#keeps succeeding…