Wednesday 18 November 2015


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.

WEEK 47.

The Eye that Looks and the Eye that sees

Our eye is an amazing and important part of the body. It is the window of the soul they say. The ability to see is one of the greatest gift from the Creator (God). Seeing is so important that about half of our brain is dedicated to it alone. This is why it is easier for our eyes to take in four million bits of information every second. It will also interest you to know that in an average life, your eyes will see 24 million different images. At this point it is important to note that there is a connection between what you see and what you become. Where you are today is a result of what you see or

do not see. You will get to understand what am talking about soon as i take you through the journey of 'the eye that looks and the eye that sees.

Many are the eyes that look, but few are they that see. If you were with a friend and ask him to look towards a direction, obeying and looking at the said direction do not guarantees him seeing what you are seeing or want him to see; you might have to point and probably make some more description for the person to see what you are seeing. This shows us that we might be looking at the same direction but seeing different things. At times out of frustration we ask people 'can't you see?' No, they do see, but certainly something other than what you see. This is the picture of what literally happen in real life. What differentiate successful people from the unsuccessful ones is their seeing power. What I'm saying is that everything you did ever need are not far from you as you think they were, you are not only seeing them even though you are looking at their direction. Believe me opportunities are every where. To be successful you must develop the capacity to be able to identify them by seeing what other are not seeing. Let me give you some amazing facts you need to take to heart to be able to tap from the power of seeing and thereby making every looks count.

Five Amazing Fact You Need To Know About Seeing

1. You will not be able to Get Ahead until you See Ahead: it is our vision that determines one next step into the future. It is difficult to go ahead when you lost feasibility while driving down the road; you either stop or go very slowly. So when you experiences stagnation in life, it's telling you that you can no longer see ahead. Each time we loose sight of the future, it becomes difficult to move further. Learn to see ahead by projecting into the future. Ten, twenty years from now, what can you see yourself becoming or your organization achieving; this is very important if you want to move ahead. Steve Jobs was a successful business leader because he could see ahead; while the rest of the world built ever smaller and lighter laptops, Jobs sees ahead that many would rather use tablet instead. Remember you will only be able to go as far as you can see in life.

2. You can Change Anything by Changing the Way you See Them (including yourself): how we see ourselves is what we become. Our world is a reflection of what we see. Two persons looking at a stumbling blocks; one person sees stopping blocks and the other is seeing stepping stones. The different? Vision. If you can see very well that problem is progress in disguise. Ward C. M. once said, "There are things I can't force I must adjust. There are times when the greatest change needed is a change of my viewpoint." Try change the way you see things, view every situation positively. It is said, every situation, properly perceive, becomes an opportunity.

3. Until you Loose Sight of the Past, you will Never be able to See the Future: just as a wise man once said, "You can never discover new oceans if you don't have the courage to loose sight of the shore." It is difficult to make progress in life with our focus on the past. Forget about your past mistakes and even achievements( but keep at heart the lessons learnt from them) and look into the future. There are still much you can achieve; see them and seize them.

4. We do not See Things the Way They Are, but the Way We Are: get five people to look at the same thing independently and you will most likely get five different views of that thing. This is so because who we are influence what we see. This is why people with a broad set of life experiences can often see things that others miss. If you want to see better become a better person. Build more capacity, develop yourself intellectually, move with people that are better and you will see better.

5. You Need Light to See Properly: there is this story of a woman by name Hagar sent away with her child by her mistress (as told in the bible). She and her child wondered in the wilderness of Beer-sheba and ran out of water. There was no more water in her bottle and the child was very thirty. So she cast the child under one of the shrubs and sat far away from her not wanting to see the death of her child. She wept as the child cries out loud, God heard the voice of the child and open the eyes of Hagar and she saw a well of water. She filled her bottle and gave the child drink. There are some dark moment in life that require the light of God to see through. Like Hagar you need God's help to see the well of solution. Humbly ask Him to open your eye. Never despise God, you will always need Him. There are some point in life that all you need is His leading.

Trust you have been inspired; don't just look, see possibilities! I do love to hear from you and don't forget to share this post with your friends on social media.

I see God opening your eyes to see that solution you have been looking for. Have a great week!


Tuesday 10 November 2015


Success Digest with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 46.

How To Become An Exceptional Leader II

Last week I started a teaching on the above caption and like I promised will continue from where we stopped. I know you must have been wondering within your mind why we were considering some of the myths of leadership that, how then can one become a leader and build legitimate influence. Not to worry, this week we will be looking shortly at steps to becoming an exceptional leader. Follow these steps and people will follow you. To be an exceptional leader the following steps are very essential:

1. Develop a Vision: if you don't know where you are going, how will you ask someone to follow you. The question, "Where are we going?" is what you will most likely get when you ask someone to follow you. Many leader are clueless with no sense of purpose and yet they demand for follower-ship. The first thing that qualifies you as a leader is purpose; vision is borne out of purpose. Your purpose is the destination (I.e the future you seek) you which to take your organization or team to and vision is the mental picture of the future. The reason why your eyes are found in your head and not any other past of the body is because the head is the leader of the body and if it must lead its need to see what other parts of the body can not see and lead them in the right direction. Check the records every great leaders are seers. Blind leaders always lead their team to mess. Learn to see beyond the physical, obstacles and challenges if you desire to be a leader. See a glorious future for your organization and work to make it a reality.

2. Build a Passion for your Vision: legitimate influence comes from inspiration. It is difficult to influence someone you can not inspire. Your desire to see your vision come true builds in you a passion. This passion makes you work wholeheartedly and zealously till it becomes a reality. People get inspired to join you when you are very passionate about what you are doing. Nelson Mandela builds much influence globally because of the passion with which he pursued his vision among other things. Always remember that legitimate influence comes from inspiring others. The different between motivation and inspiration is that the former is in sweet words and stories while the later has to do with practical demonstrations. This is why true leaders don't just show the way but go the way.

3. Connect with People: it has been said, "Where there is no vision the people perish." But we have also found that, "Where there are no people, the vision perishes." You need people to succeed as a leader. If you are going with no one following, you are not leading but only taking a stroll. Learn to build relationship with people. The stronger the relationship you build with your follower, the more they will most likely help you achieve your vision. Show your subordinate that you truly care for them. Leadership expert John C. Maxwell wisely observed, "People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care." Try read materials that will help you build solid and healthy relationship with people. You can be a people's person and not be a leader but you can't be leader and not be a people's person.

4. Build Credibility: it is very difficult to influence people that do not believe in your ability. Beside you can not give what you don't have, therefore, work on your expertise and build a strong value system. Develop excellence in whatever you do and maintaining your influence as a leader will be a walkover. If you are productive, people will not only follow you but will be glad doing so.

5. Build people: Leaders are not measure by the quality of their vision but by the quality of their followers. Building/structures don't last forever, equipment and machines get out dated. People are the greatest asset any organization can ever have; build them. When you help people reach their potential they become more valuable and competent to help your organization reach hers. So put in your best in developing the people you are leading; bring out the best in them, organize and send them out for trainings, give them assignment that help them unleash their potential, motivate them to read and make researches.

If you are a leader always remember that you will not be celebrated because of the position you occupies or your achievement but the legacy you leave behind. Work hard to build a legacy starting from today. You can be an exceptional leader.

I see you entering into a new realm of possibilities. Your dreams are coming through.


Thursday 5 November 2015


Success Digest with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 45.

How to Become an Exceptional Leader

Leadership today is one of the most common terms around, yet we have so few real leaders. For more than a decade I have been very active in both practicing and teaching leadership and I discover that no individual, organization or nation can grow beyond her leadership ability. The major challenges we are faced with as a nation are leadership related. I think the problem of leadership lies in the understanding of the subject. There are several myths of leadership that is impeding many from becoming leaders. Let's look at some of these myths.

Common Myths of Leadership

1. Leaders are Born: some people believe that leadership is not for all, but for selected few chosen by the 'gods.' This belief is common in Africa. People with such belief never aspire to be leaders. It is true some might be born with some special trait of leadership, such as courage, ability to make decisions, honesty e.t.c. the fact remains that leadership is to be learnt. Everyone is born to lead, you ask how? Yes, have you ever wondered why no one seems to love to be dominated over indiscriminately? Even slaves will rebel against authority if they have the opportunity. The urge in everyone to dominate and be in control of situations is a prove of the fact that everyone is a potential leader. Now, this is how it works, though you are born to lead you need to become a leader. Before anyone could be called a leader there is a process of becoming. Invest in materials (books, audios e.t.c.) that will develop your leadership ability and help you to maximize your potentials. You can become an exceptional leader; start developing yourself to be one today. I equally recommend you look for a mentor; it will help a great deal.

2. Leadership is by Position: have you ever heard some say something like; "That guy is a great leader, he is the manager of the company." Once people are given a position they feel that they are leaders automatically. It doesn't work that way, your position doesn't make you a leader, it only give you opportunity to be one. Leadership is not a right, it is a privileged given by followers. So you need to earn it,through connecting with people and being productive. When you are in position, people follow you because they have to. You need to become a leader to earn their loyalty. We will look briefly into how to become a leader later. Don't get carried away by your position, work hard to improve your leadership effectiveness and you find yourself keep rising in your career.

3. Leaders Need to be Hard and Authoritarian: some people acknowledge one as a leader if he is very hard, strict and authoritarian. But great leaders know that leadership is by influence. There is a very thin line between influence and manipulation. Let's consider this scenario: let's say you are in a gathering and a teenager walks in with a gun in his hand and asks everyone to kneel down and probably shoots the gun into the air. What will happen, everyone will kneel down irrespective of their ages or statuses at that material time. No one will object what he says and even a man old enough to be his grand father will reply a 'yes sir' to his call. Now will you consider such a one as a leader? Absolutely no. The same way, no manipulating fellow, bullying individual or authoritarian will be considered a leader. When you abuse power and feel people respect you, it is the day you lose it that you will know how worthless and valueless you are to them. Building legitimate influence usually takes time and require high level of integrity. Let your words and your actions match, build good reputation for yourself. The best way to conserve power is not using it. Build strong ethics and morals. Develop people's skill. Influence and never manipulate people.

Next week I will be sharing with you how to become an exceptional leader; this just an introduction. I am sure you don't want want to miss it. Watch out! I love to get feedbacks from you on how this post inspires you. Don't forget to share with your friends. I see you entering a new season of change of levels; celebrate ahead.


Tuesday 27 October 2015


Success Digest with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 44.

Overcoming the Snare of Yesterday's Success

From my experience training the staff of a good numbers of organization and Executives on Organizational Development, have come to realize that most organizations are not progressing because they are trapped in the snare of the success of yesterday, same with individuals. Once they hit the jackpot, they relax and maintain that success, instead of pursuing higher goals. Soon retrogression set in.

The following two signs will show you that you are trapped in the snare of yesterday's success: i. If you are struggling to beat your past success record(s). ii. If you are contented with your achievement(s) in the past. You must beware of those signs above so as not to be trapped. One danger of been trapped by the snare of yesterday's success is that you will find it difficult to maintain relevance in whatever you are into. The fact is many organizations had gone into extinction because of this snare. Beware!

Let me give you some tips on how to overcome the snare of yesterday's success: - Be determined not to know a better yesterday: no matter how good you feel about your success so far, you must work on achieving something better and greater. Let your slogger be; 'my best is yet to come.' Never ever reduce your standard if you do not want to know a better yesterday; rather keep raising it. At all time, think and work on how you can get better at whatever you do.

- Learn to let go of past accomplishment: once you achieve a big goal, celebrate but never stay to long on it; start working on another bigger goal(s). The quicker you let go of past success, the sooner you can achieve a new one. Paul understand this so well; he said, "I do not consider..., that I have captured and made it my own yet; but this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead." Until you try something new, breaking new record will be impossible.

- Work in an environment and with people that will challenge you to do more: Never seek a place of comfort, if you want to grow. If you no longer learn or do something new and you are the best; then you are in the wrong environment. When you are stagnant, you will always fall into the trap of the snare of yesterday's success. Do not let fear stagnates you. He who is afraid of challenges will always lack the courage to achieve great things. That place you work presently, do you still find something challenging? Don't you think it's time you move on? You need to leave your comfort zone to get better. Zig Ziglar once said, "The ladder of success works like any other ladder. Very few have climbed it with their hands in their pockets." It's not yet time to relax or else you will fall from the ladder.

Never be contented, no matter how successful you may feel you are, there are still so much you can accomplished. Let nothing stops you from attaining new heights in your career. Strive to maintain relevance and never stop to break new grounds. Your best is yet to come.

I see you gaining new height in life; nothing shall stop you. Don't forget to move more closer to God, there is absolutely nothing you can do without Him. Fabulous week!


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Saturday 24 October 2015


Success Digest with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 43.

Live Above the Average

I am so passionate about African, most especially my country Nigeria. We might not be getting it right at the moment, but we will surely be great. Mark my words; a time is coming that it's going to be the 'black's world.' But if we will rule our world we have to work on ourselves. One of our main challenges in Africa is the average mentality of most of us; the survival syndrome. Many desired nothing else than to have something to eat, clothes to wear and a place to lay down their head. That is, just survive. But certainly, there is more to life than mere survival, the sooner you realize that the faster you will be able to unleash your full potential. Until you strive to live above the average, you will just exist and never make any significant impact in life. Oscar Wilde wisely observed, "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." So, how can one live above the average?

- Work on your mind; you can never be better than the way you think. So fill your mind with thoughts of greatness and possibilities. Surround yourself with people and things that will inspire you to do more and be your best. Remember just as Napoleon Hill said, "Thoughts are things." So watch your thoughts.

- Don't live just for yourself: you will never live above the average if all you desire is just a better life for yourself and family alone. The day a man resolve within himself to live for others he set his foot on the path of greatness. Everyone is created to solve a problem. Until you discover the problem you are made to solve, you will always be a problem to be solved. There are lot of problem around us; leadership problem, bad roads, poor electricity, poverty, health challenges and many more. To live above average, you need to find out which of this problems you are created to solve and get to work.

- Put your best into all that you do: our nation is at the state it is today because our leaders do not strive for excellent. Many will never rise above average because of their 'anything goes' spirit. Give your job an excellent touch and you will always be in great demand, either you are in business or an employee. Always remember that been average is the enemy of the great life you desired. You can certainly be more successful than you are now. Dream more, develop yourself and put in more effort. Never settle for anything less than the best. Maureen Drowd was right when he said, " The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settle for." Don't die an average person, you have all it takes to be great.

I see that brilliant idea you need to move to the next level of your life dropping into your mind now. Blessed week!

‎keep succeeding‬