Monday 26 September 2016


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 39


“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.”
~ Olusegun Samson G.

It is just impossible to achieve anything without discipline. This is why its importance can never be over emphasis. You have to take the pain of self-discipline, so as to be relief of some pains in life.

If you don’t do that thing you love to do the most, you will not die. Why not deny yourself of the pleasure of it to do something that moves you in the direction of your purpose or most important goal at the moment. Always remember this; the more discipline we become, the faster we go in life.

This week I want to share with us 7 Essential Guides to Developing Self-Discipline. But before then, please lay the following to heart:
- Be discipline to develop the right attitude because it open’s the door of possibilities.
- Place high value on your priorities, they help you to stay focus.
- Never joke with your health, it gives you strength.
- Let your family be important to you, there is no stability outside it.
- Positive thinking gives you an advantage; value it.
- Place worth on your values; they help you gain direction.
- Value your growth; it unveils your potential.
- Keep quality relationship, it brings fulfillment.
- Do all you can to please God, for so shall you find peace.
- Value generosity; it gives your significance.

The 7 Essential Guides to Developing Self-Discipline.
1. Discover your Purpose: the sense of purpose always reduce ones struggle with living a disciplined life. So the first thing is not to try and force yourself to be more disciplined at doing what you don’t really want to do. But, instead, you need to go inward and build more clarity around who you are and why you are here; when you do that, you move from try to be to wanting to be disciplined.
2. Find Someone you can be Accountable to: we don’t discipline ourselves to do what we need to do at time, because we feel who will hold us responsible for it. There is a special commitment that comes with telling someone or a group, what you intend to do. Because if you don’t do it, you will not only fail yourself but others too. So you find yourself doing it anyway.
3. Examine the Impact of Failing: when you have the mind of, “I can’t afford to fail in life,” you will be willing to pay the price of success no matter how expensive it may be.
4. Develop Passion for your Purpose: we hardly pay sacrifice for what we are not passionate about. Passion will push you to do things that are not convenient and take difficult steps happily.
5. Get Inspiration from Ordinary People who Did Extra-ordinary Things: what seem too hard for you to achieve had been achieved by some people in the past; some of them are not as privilege as you are. If they can, you can.
6. Be Determine not to Stop Yourself: be hard on yourself; we are our worst enemy of success.
7. Walk with Discipline People: Wise King Solomon said, “He who walk’s with the wise shall be wise.” Remember, the companies you keep determine what accompanies you.

Self-discipline may be hard, but trust me; the result is priceless.


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Tuesday 20 September 2016


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 38


“Everyone must choose one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.”
~ Jim Rohn.

It is much easier to control a city than to control oneself. We identify too soon the weakness and faults of others and are often blinded to our own. We set high standard for other, but could not do anything for ourselves because we lack self discipline and have not gain mastery over ourselves. We say like Paul of old, “the things that I do not want to do I found myself doing and that which I need to do, I do not” until you gain mastery over your life you cannot achieve anything of note in life. You need to learn to master and control your emotions, appetites and inclinations, because only then can success be made possible.

Our world today is so full of distractions; it will only take a disciplined mind to achieve anything worth while. There are several new captivating games, more interesting videos, season films, hang out and nice joints, free sex, lustful materials everywhere, so many social media platforms, mind blowing television programs, ‘just for fun’ events here and there and host of others, seriously working very hard to make it difficult for us to maximize our potentials. So the fact remains that you can never be at your best until you develop the capacity to delay gratification.

One of the most essential keys to a tomorrow void of regret is living a life of self-discipline today. See, some of the pressure that is been mounted upon our life today are as a result of some pleasure we could not deny ourselves of yesterday; and the history will repeat itself if we choose not to do otherwise. My golden advices for you are:
• Love not long sleeps; too much sleep does not only make neck pain you but also makes you poorer. Be disciplined!
• Run from premarital and extramarital sex; they gratify the body but are deadly poison to the soul. Be disciplined!
• Avoid over eating; too much food don’t just cause constipation, it makes you lazy and of less useful to yourself. Be disciplined!
• Save a portion (at least one tenth) of your income/earning; you don’t get rich by just earning more but by saving more. Never spend it all. Be disciplined!
• Watch less of television and movies; those who make news don’t watch news. Be disciplined!
• Never waste time; time wasted is a life wasted. To be at your best you need to use your time well. Be discipline!
• Be careful what you expose your eye to; people most often do what they see. Be discipline!
• Spend quality time in prayer; those who don’t pray are always the prey of the wicked. Be disciplined!
• Spend quality time to read daily; you will never be better that your level of knowledge will allowed. Be disciplined!
• Do regular exercise; it is one of the fundamentals of healthy living. Be disciplined!
• Never beat a woman; it makes you less human. Be disciplined!

Still to come; 7 Essential Guides to Developing Self-Discipline. Watch out for Power of Self-Discipline III.


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Monday 12 September 2016


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 37


I have come to discover through life experiences that nothing is impossible or unachievable if only one could be disciplined enough.
~ Olusegun Samson G.

Success is not gotten on the platter of gold. It usually comes through high level of diligence and hard work. A man of success works while others are sleeping, read and research while others are clubbing. It goings without saying; ‘nothing good comes easy.’ This is why, self-discipline is a vital key that unlock success and the master key which open the door of possibilities.

Many a time people search eagerly for quick and cheap success only to wake up ten years after and discovered they have been after shadow. There are hundreds of principles of success but without discipline none of them will work. I have come to realize that everyone wants success, and even in most cases, knows what need done to achieve it. But what makes the difference is whether we do it or not. Doing what we need to do to succeed requires self- discipline. So the one quality which set apart men of great accomplishments and failures in life is not formal education,talent, money nor intelligence but self-discipline. To succeed, you don’t

just do what you feel like but what you need to do. Just as one of American foremost writer Elbert Hubbard said: “self- discipline is the ability to do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like or not.” If you are waiting till you feel like doing something before you get started, you might have to wait till eternity. Publishing on weekly bases this post you are reading now is not an easy task. There were several times I don’t feel like writing anything; in fact naturally I don’t like writing. But I had to discipline myself to write so as to fulfill my purpose to inspire hundreds of thousand across the globe to maximize their potentials. So, the rule is, do it anyway; feel like or not.

I don’t know what your dream(s) are or what it is, you hope to achieve; it time you start working towards accomplishing it; No more excuses! Find out all you need to do to accomplish your dreams in life and write them out. Then discipline your self to start doing them from now; you will be amaze how far you will go. If you are already working on it, discipline yourself to do more and move farther in it. Passion will get you started in your quest for success in life, but self-discipline is very essential to accomplish it.

Tremendous power lies in self- discipline. Make a commitment today to live a disciplined life and you will find yourself on the path of unlimited greatness.

Next week I would be sharing with you, some important guides to developing self-discipline. Still then, be well!


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Monday 5 September 2016


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 36


Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.
~ Buddha

Today is only one day in all the days we will ever see, but what we do today will determine what will happen in all the other days. So everyday offers you a chance to change your life.

In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway.

The peasant learned what many of us never understand! Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition. You would never be able to see the opportunities today got to offer, if you haven’t made up your mind to make it count. Do something today that your future self will thank you for.
Let me show you 7 key things you need to do on daily bases to have a fulfilling life.

7 Things You Should Do Daily

1) See the Day as your Chance to Make Things Right,/b>: it doesn’t matter who you used to be, what matters is who you are today. Start living the way you feel it’s right to live, get more closer to God, put new effort towards achieving your dreams, stop a bad habit ; just do something that is good.
2) Never Leave for Tomorrow what could be Done Today: it may sound trite, but today is all you have. You can depend on tomorrow because it is not within your power.
3) Have a Plan of How You want to Spend your Day: the only way to be in control of your time is planning your day. Put on paper when you wake up what you want to achieve for the day, work on your plan and you will experience a highly fulfilling day.
4) Read for at Least an Hour Daily: you can never be better than your level of knowledge will allow. Someone said, “You are either studious or stupid in life.” You can not be known if you don’t know; knowledge is a principal thing.
5) Do Something that will Enhances your Dream(s) in Life: do you have a dream? You are a day closer to it today. Turn those dreams into reality by acting on them daily. Ask yourself daily, “what do I need to do today that will take me further in pursuit of my dream(s).
6) Put Smile on the Face of Someone: happiness is a seed. When you make others happy, you open for yourself also doors of happiness. To stay happy and smiling, sow the seed by making someone smile. Help a needy, or make a love one feel very important or cared for; do something t

g your eyes to see opportunities around you need to exploit for a major turn around in your life.


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