Thursday 5 November 2015


Success Digest with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 45.

How to Become an Exceptional Leader

Leadership today is one of the most common terms around, yet we have so few real leaders. For more than a decade I have been very active in both practicing and teaching leadership and I discover that no individual, organization or nation can grow beyond her leadership ability. The major challenges we are faced with as a nation are leadership related. I think the problem of leadership lies in the understanding of the subject. There are several myths of leadership that is impeding many from becoming leaders. Let's look at some of these myths.

Common Myths of Leadership

1. Leaders are Born: some people believe that leadership is not for all, but for selected few chosen by the 'gods.' This belief is common in Africa. People with such belief never aspire to be leaders. It is true some might be born with some special trait of leadership, such as courage, ability to make decisions, honesty e.t.c. the fact remains that leadership is to be learnt. Everyone is born to lead, you ask how? Yes, have you ever wondered why no one seems to love to be dominated over indiscriminately? Even slaves will rebel against authority if they have the opportunity. The urge in everyone to dominate and be in control of situations is a prove of the fact that everyone is a potential leader. Now, this is how it works, though you are born to lead you need to become a leader. Before anyone could be called a leader there is a process of becoming. Invest in materials (books, audios e.t.c.) that will develop your leadership ability and help you to maximize your potentials. You can become an exceptional leader; start developing yourself to be one today. I equally recommend you look for a mentor; it will help a great deal.

2. Leadership is by Position: have you ever heard some say something like; "That guy is a great leader, he is the manager of the company." Once people are given a position they feel that they are leaders automatically. It doesn't work that way, your position doesn't make you a leader, it only give you opportunity to be one. Leadership is not a right, it is a privileged given by followers. So you need to earn it,through connecting with people and being productive. When you are in position, people follow you because they have to. You need to become a leader to earn their loyalty. We will look briefly into how to become a leader later. Don't get carried away by your position, work hard to improve your leadership effectiveness and you find yourself keep rising in your career.

3. Leaders Need to be Hard and Authoritarian: some people acknowledge one as a leader if he is very hard, strict and authoritarian. But great leaders know that leadership is by influence. There is a very thin line between influence and manipulation. Let's consider this scenario: let's say you are in a gathering and a teenager walks in with a gun in his hand and asks everyone to kneel down and probably shoots the gun into the air. What will happen, everyone will kneel down irrespective of their ages or statuses at that material time. No one will object what he says and even a man old enough to be his grand father will reply a 'yes sir' to his call. Now will you consider such a one as a leader? Absolutely no. The same way, no manipulating fellow, bullying individual or authoritarian will be considered a leader. When you abuse power and feel people respect you, it is the day you lose it that you will know how worthless and valueless you are to them. Building legitimate influence usually takes time and require high level of integrity. Let your words and your actions match, build good reputation for yourself. The best way to conserve power is not using it. Build strong ethics and morals. Develop people's skill. Influence and never manipulate people.

Next week I will be sharing with you how to become an exceptional leader; this just an introduction. I am sure you don't want want to miss it. Watch out! I love to get feedbacks from you on how this post inspires you. Don't forget to share with your friends. I see you entering a new season of change of levels; celebrate ahead.


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