Tuesday 19 January 2016


Success Digest
with Olusegun Samson G.

Week 3

Proven Steps to Accomplishing Your Dreams

About two weeks ago, I had an interaction with a young lady in my office on why everyone seems to have dreams and desire to succeed in life, even the beggar on the street wishes to succeed and accomplish something in life; but few are they who achieve real success. The fact is, every single individual has the potential to become very great. But we are all product of our choice not desire. The reason why many never achieve their dreams or accomplish anything outstanding in life is because they are suffering from the ‘someday’ syndrome.

Often time, we say, ‘someday I will accomplish my dream.’ only to wake up sixty years later, not having accomplished anything. A Scottish proverb says, “What may be done someday will be done no day. We have only seven days in the week, someday is not one of them. So if you want to accomplish anything in life, you need to set out a specific time for when you are going to work on it. Many never get to work on accomplishing their dream because of a number of challenges; fear of failure, do not know how to start, lack the will power, procrastination e.t.c. So I will be sharing with you some tips that will help you overcome these challenges and bring your dream into existence.

Proven Steps to Bringing

Your Dream into Existence

1. Put it on Paper : This very important because you might never be able to take any action on accomplishing your dream until you write it down. In fact, the moment you put it on paper, you have committed yourself and you tend to be more serious about working on it. Whatever dream you want to bring into existence, it’s highly important you put it on paper. Someone said, “Until you commit your goal to paper you have intentions that are seed without soil.” In other words, you will find it difficult to accomplish what you have not put down on paper. Maybe the reason why you have not been able to take any step on that dream is because you only have it in your head, write it down today. It has been proven over and over again that committing your dream to paper inspires action. When you have your dream(s) on paper, it offers untold opportunities of getting brilliant ideas that will help turn it (them) into accomplishment each time you review them. So I want you to pick a pen and a jotter and write down your dream(s) (e.g I want to be Nigeria President in 10years time), put it where it could be easily access by you, so as to be able to read it every day. You equally need to write down every idea you caught each time you go over your dream(s). Doing so, you have successfully taken the first step towards accomplishing your dream(s).

2. Set a Specific Time Frame for Your Dream: Until you set a specific time you want to accomplish you dream, you will always feel you have all the time and may never get to work on it. ‘Remember, what may be done some day, will be done no day.’ Many usually wonder why I work round the clock, doing all I could to ensure I’m always moving closer towards accomplishing my dreams, the answer is simple; I have written down, specific time I intend to accomplish them. So each time I check the calendar the urgency of accomplishing my dreams will over whelm me, wakeup from sleep and get to work. The reason your organization is struggling to achieve her goals is because you have not schedule a specific time you want to achieve them. Once you do that your mind will be open to steps you need to take, as the urgency of achieving them is done on you.

3. Start Now : the best time you can work on your dream is now not tomorrow. We often look for a perfect time to start working on our dream(s); which will never come. If you are waiting for a perfect time you might have to wait till eternity. When I started training staff and management of organizations on Organizational Development, it was never the right time for a number of reasons; I was much younger and had little experience among others; but I had to start. Today I speak as authority on the subject. If I didn’t start then maybe I will still be looking for that perfect time to start today. Whatever your dream is, start working towards accomplishing it today. Remember, the more you delay action on your dream, the more the likelihood you might not accomplish it. Because as days pass by, discouragement might set in, you start seeing several reasons why it can not be accomplished and finally give up on it.

4. Start Small : Do ensure you dream big, but learn to start small. The way up is down and nothing great starts great. Many never get to work on their dream because they were not willing to start small. You need to learn to work with what you have where you are. If your dream is to be a major shoes manufacturer in your country, you could start by selling shoes and gradually work your way up to accomplishing your dream. But if you want to wait still when you have all the resources to run a shoes manufacturing industry before you get started, you might wakeup fifty year after not having accomplish that dream. Ask yourself, ‘what can I do at the moment that will take me a little further towards accomplishing my dream(s)?’ The journey of a thousand miles begins with a step. Take the first step, start somewhere and one day you will see your dream turns to reality.

5. Be Accountable to Someone or some individuals : Accountability always inspire commitment. The thought of someone is going to ask you, what you have done, will force you to do something. Look for trusted and respected individuals (or you could get a mentor), share your dream with them and tell them to ask you on regular bases what you are doing about it. As simple as it seems, it will help you beyond reasonable doubt to take consistence steps towards accomplishing your dream. Because it no longer about you, it will be difficult for you to quit easily, as you will not want to make a fool of yourself nor be seen as a failure, weak or unserious to those individual you shared what you intend to accomplish with. If you want to be exceedingly great in life never get to a point where you no longer listen to or have regards for anyone; it is the fastest route to self destruction. Beware! To bring your dream(s) into existence you need to find individuals you will be accountable to other than yourself, it could be good friends, spouse, mentor or anyone you trust will be on your neck if you do nothing.

6. Builds a Network: Irrespective of the nature of your dream, you can not accomplish it alone, this is why you have to constantly improve on your relationship skill. Our success in life is tie to our ability to relate well with people. Be nice to all men, the worst of them today, might be of the greatest help to you tomorrow. Please lay that to heart. Another step you have to take to bring your dream into existence is to build a network of people of like mind that will help you. Diligently make a list of individual that you need to work with towards accomplishing your dream(s) and go look for them. Accomplishing your dream is like building a house, team work is need; the electricians, carpenters, brick layers and so on, need to all come together to build it. Starts building a strong network today, by bringing together individuals that share your vision and passion, who will help you accomplish your dream(s).

7. Acknowledge the Place of God : Never despise God, acknowledge Him in all you do and He will help you accomplish your dream by bringing your way the right people, good opportunities and a enabling environment.

You can accomplish your dream, no matter how big it is. Start working on it today.

I see a great door of opportunities opening for you this season. Fabulous week!

#keeps succeeding…

Thanks for reading. Help some one get better this week by sharing this publication with your friends on all social media. Don’t forget to drop your comment or send us an email at; kingsamolu@gmail.com

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